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: http://www.momoshop.com.tw/goods/GoodsDetail.jsp?i_code=2304830&memid=6000007870&cid=apuad&oid=1&osm=league 【X-BIONIC】BIKE SYMFRAME EVO JACKET 風衣
The globally unique symbiosis of SpaceFrame™ Technology and symbionic™ membrane. The SymFrame™ Bike Jacket is the only jacket anywhere in the world with SpaceFrame™ Technology. It can "transport" sweat out of the jacket as vapour as well as sweat droplets through the symbionic™ membrane. The SpaceFrame™ Technology guarantees that moist air saturated with perspiration -and therefore unable to absorb and transport "new" sweat - is conducted out of the jacket, allowing "new" unsaturated air to be drawn in. This is the only way in which the process of targeted cooling can start all over again, thus enabling the body to "work" at its optimum performance temperature. A rain jacket without SpaceFrame™ Technology is unable to do this. A normal jacket, with a conventional membrane, is pressed next to the body either by its own weight or by the person carrying a backpack. This weight destabilizes the complicated temperatureregulating system (using sweat to cool by evaporation), and the sweat management system using the exchange of sweat saturated air with fresh air is destroyed.

The wavelike structure of the ISO-Shoulder™ lies over the shoulde工具電料rs, keeping the body warm and guarding against chills.
The diffuser design on the inside of the collar with long就業中國 itudinally arranged ducts lets moist, warm air out of the jacket and supports climate control.
6-dimensional elasticity
Only knitwear can provide such a degree of elasticity. High-tech yarns, knitted structures and highly elastic flat seams are featured in order to ensure extreme elasticity and guarantee a perfect fit.
SpaceFrame™ Technology
Thanks to specially placed SpaceFrame™ elements, which provide a defined air flow in selected areas inside the clothing, the ingenious patented air management system transports warm, moist air out of the clothing.
評比Inspired by the cutaneous respiration of amphibians, the bionic membrane transports water vapour and sweat droplets to the outside.
AirConditioning Grids
These air inlets further support the chimney effect of the ClimaSphere-System™, and at the same time easily allow excess perspiration to be released.
Extendable Collar
The collar can spread outward to protect the neck as needed against cold, harsh winds. Reflectors on the collar provide higher visibility at night.
Pre-formed elbows
Optimal fit and the highest range of motion are guaranteed due to anatomically pre-formed elbows.
Securely closing pockets
Keys, money, lighter, pocketknife: Everything can be stored safely and neatly.
For good visibility and improved safety in night-time traffic.
Extensible back
Protects the back in the aerodynamic cycling position. Two snaps on the inside allow it to be shortened.
Waterproof front zipper
The completely waterproof front zipper protects from pouring rain.
Elastic cuff with velcro stripes
Allows individual fitting and guarantees a perfect hold on the wrist.